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    民族: 汉  性别:男    教授,博士生导师 

    Email: zhaiwg@hotmail.com wgzhai@163.com


      (1) 1987.09—1991.07,山东大学数学系,理学学士 

      (2) 1991.09—1996.07,山东大学数学系,理学博士(硕博连读) 



       (1) 1996.07—1997.11,山东师范大学数学系,讲师 



       (4)2001.10-2003.9, 日本名古屋大学(多元数理),博士后。 




      (2)2005.05至今, 西北大学博士生导师 





        2. 研究项目   


    · [1]1999.01—2001.12,山东省自然科学基金:指数和估计与整点问题(编号:Q98A02110

    · [2]2004.01—2006.12, 国家自然科学基金:多维指数和估计与离散Hardy-Littlewood方法(项目编号:10301018) 

    · [3]2005.01—2005.12, 国家留学基金委留学回国人员项目:平面原整点问题

    · [4]2006.01—2008.12, 山东省自然科学基金:平面原整点问题(编号:Y2006A31) 

    · [5]2008.01—2010.12,国家自然科学基金:解析数论中若干重要余项的积分均值(项目编号:10771127)

    · [6]2012.01—2015.12, 国家自然科学基金:一般除数问题的若干问题(项目编号:11171344) 

    · [7]2020.01—2023.12, 国家自然科学基金:解析数论的若干问题(项目编号11971476)


    · [1]1998.01—2000.12, 山东省自然科学基金:三角和估计及其应用

    · [2]1999.01—2001.12,国家自然科学基金:素变数丢番图逼近(项目编号:19801021)

    · [3]2009.01—2009.12,国家自然科学基金委天元基金:自守L函数与零点密度估计(编号:10826028) 

    · [4]2011.01—2013.12, 北京市自然科学基金项目:非对称除数问题(编号:1112010) 


    · [1] On the distribution of {x/n}. II, Chinese Sci. Bull. 41 (1996), no. 1, 1-5 

    · [2] On a multiplicative hybrid problem, Acta Arith. 71 (1995), no. 1, 47--53 

    · [3]Reciprocal sums of a class of additive functions in short intervals, Chinese Sci. Bull. 42 (1997), no. 2, 102—105 

    · [4](with Xiaodong Cao)On the average number of direct factors of finite abelian groups, Acta Arith. 82 (1997), no. 1, 45--55

    · [5] A note on a result of Abercrombie, Chinese Sci. Bull. 42 (1997), no. 14, 1151--1154

    · [6](with Xiaodong Cao) On the number of coprime integer pairs within a circle, Acta Arith. 90 (1999), no. 1, 1--16

    · [7] On the average number of direct factors of finite abelian groups. II, Acta Arith. 90 (1999), no. 1, 69--78

    · [8] The additive completion of k-th powers, J. Number Theory 79 (1999), no. 2, 292—300 

    · [9] On sums and differences of two coprime k-th powers, Acta Arith. 91 (1999), no. 3, 233--248

    · [10]On the k-dimensional Piatetski-Shapiro prime number theorem, Sci. China Ser. A 42 (1999), no. 11, 1173--1183

    · [11]On a system of two Diophantine inequalities with prime numbers, Acta Arith. 92 (2000), no. 1, 31--46 

    · [12](with Xiaodong Cao)] Multiple exponential sums with monomials, Acta Arith. 92 (2000), no. 3, 195—213

    · [13](with Xiaodong Cao) On the distribution of r-full and l-free integers in short intervals, Monatsh. Math. 130 (2000), no. 1, 71—84 

    · [14] On the average number of unitary factors of finite abelian groups. II, Acta Math. Sin. (Engl. Ser.) 16 (2000), no. 4, 549--554 

    · [15]  On Three-Dimensional Divisor Problem of (a,a,b) type. Adv. Math. (China) 29 (2), 137–146, 2000.

    · [16] Number of B-free numbers in short intervals. Chinese Sci. Bull., 45 (3), 208–212, 2000. 

    · [17] On the simultaneous distribution of the fractional parts of different powers of prime numbers, J. Number Theory 86 (2001), no. 1, 133--155

    · [18](with Guangshi Lü) A Special Divisor Problem, Acta Math. Sinica (Chin. Ser.) 45 ( 5), 991–1004, 2002.

    · [19] On the Number of Primitive Pythagorean Triangles, Acta Arith. 105 (4), 387–403, 2002.

    · [20](with Xiaodong Cao) A Diophantine Inequality with Prime Numbers,  Acta Math. Sinica (Chin. Ser.), 45(2),  361–370, 2002.

    · [21](with Xiaodong Cao) On Systems of Diophantine Inequalities and Equations with Prime Numbers, Adv. Math. (China), 31(3), 243–248, 2002.

    · [22](with Xiaodong Cao) A Diophantine Equation with Prime Numbers, Acta Math. Sinica (Chin. Ser.) 45(3), 443–454, 2002. 

    · [23] (with Xiaodong Cao) On a Binary Diophantine Inequality, Adv. Math. (China), 32(6), 706–721, 2003.

    · [24](with Guangshi Lü) The Sum of Multi-Dimensional Divisor Functions on a Special Sequence, Adv. Math. (China), 32 (6), 660–664, 2003.

    · [25] Short Interval Results for a Class of integers, Monatsh. Math. 140 (3), 233–257, 2003.  

    · [26](with Xiaodong Cao) On a Diophantine Inequality over Primes, Adv. Math. (China), 32(1), 63–73, 2003. 

    · [27] On Primitive Lattice Points in Planar Domains, Acta Arith., 109 (1), 1–26, 2003. 

    · [28](with Guangshi Lü) The Divisor Problem for the Beatty Sequences, Acta Math. Sinica (Chin. Ser.), 47 (6), 1213–1216, 2004. 

    · [29] On Higher-Power Moments of E(t), Acta Arith., 115 (4), 329–348, 2004. 

    · [30](with Guangshi Lü) On Three-Dimensional Divisor Problem of (a,a,b) type, Adv. Math. (China), 33(2), 195–202, 2004.

    · [31] On Higher-Power Moments of Δ(x)(II), Acta Arith. 114(1), 35–54, 2004. 

    · [32] On Higher-Power Moments of Δ(x), Acta Arith. 112 (4), 367–395, 2004.  

    · [33](with Deyu Zhang)  The Waring-Goldbach Problem in Thin Sets of Primes(II), Acta Math. Sinica (Chin. Ser.) 48 (4), 809–816, 2005.

    · [34] On Higher-Power Moments of Δ(x)(III), Acta Arith., 118 (3), 263–281, 2005. 

    · [35] On Sums of Two Coprime k-th powers, Monatsh. Math., 144 (3), 233–250, 2005.  

    · [36](with Deyu Zhang) Differences of Two Relatively Prime Cubes, Acta Math. Sinica (Chin. Ser.) 49(5), 1181–1188, 2006. 

    · [37] On the Mean Value of the Index of Composition of an Integer, Acta Arith, 125 (4), 331–345, 2006.  

    · [38](with Furuya Jun) On the k-Free Divisor Problem, Acta Arith. 123 (3), 267–287, 2006.  

    · [39](with Deyu Zhang,) On Integers n Coprime to , Acta Math. Sinica (Chin. Ser.), 49(2), 469–472, 2006.

    · [40] On Higher-Power Moments of Δ(x) (IV), Acta Math. Sinica (Chin. Ser.), 49 (3), 639–646, 2006.

    · [41](with Deyu Zhang) Estimates of Maximal Divisor of k-th Power, (Chinese) Acta Math. Sinica (Chin. Ser.) 49(1), 205–214, 2006.

    · [42](with  Xiaodong Cao) On Sums of Two Coprime k-th Powers, II. Monatsh. Math. 148(2), 153–172, 2006.  

    · [43] Square-free Integers as Sums of Two Squares, Number theory, 15, 219–227, 2006.  

    · [44](with Xiaodong Cao), On a Diophantine Inequality over Primes, II. Monatsh. Math. 150 (2), 173–179, 2007. 

    · [45] Rényi's Problem in Short Intervals, Acta Math. Sin. (Engl. Ser.) 23(1), 29–36, 2007.  

    · [46](with Tanigawa Yoshio) Dirichlet Series Associated with Polynomials and Applications, J. Number Theory, 122(2), 466–518 ,2007.

    · [47](with Xiaodong Cao) Distribution of Square-Free Numbers of the Form . II, Acta Math. Sinica (Chin. Ser.)., 51(6), 1187–1194, 2008. 

    · [48](with Furuya Jun)  On the k-Free Divisor Problem. II. Acta Arith. 132 (4), 351–358, 2008. 

    · [49](with Tanigawa Yoshio) On the Gcd-Sum Function, J. Integer Seq. 11(2), Article 08.2.3, 2008.

    · [50](with Tanigawa Yoshio and Deyu Zhang) On the Rankin-Selberg Problem: Higher Power Moments of the Riesz Mean Error Term, Sci. China Ser. 51 (1), 148–160, 2008.  

    · [51]On the error term in Weyl’s law for Heisenberg manifolds, Acta Arithmetica,134(2008), 219-257.

    · [52](with LingLing Dong)  On the Distribution of , Acta Math. Sinica (Chin. Ser.), 52(3), 569–578, 2009. 

    · [53]  On the Prime Power Factorization of n!, J. Number Theory, 129(8), 1820–1836, 2009. 

    · [54] On the Error Term in Weyl's Law for the Heisenberg Manifolds. II, Sci. China Ser. A, 52(5), 857–874, 2009.  

    · [55](with Huaning Liu) A Note on the Pseudorandomness of the Liouville Function, Acta Arith., 136(2), 101–121, 2009.  

    · [56](with Guangshi Lü) On the Representation of Large Integers as Sums of Four Almost Equal Squares of Primes, Ramanujan J., 18(1), 1–10, 2009.  

    · [57](with Yoshio Tanigawa) On the Fourth Power Moment of Δ(x) and E(x) in Short Intervals, Int. J. Number Theory, 5(2), 355–382, 2009. 

    · [58](with Xiaodong Cao) On the mean square of the error term for the asymmetric two-dimensional divisor problem, Monatsh Math.159 (2010), no. 1-2,185-209. 

    · [59](with Xiaodong Cao), On the mean square of the error term for the asymmetric two-dimensional divisor problems, Monatsh Math.160 (2010),  no. 4,115-142

    · [60](with Jun Furuya, Yoshio Tanigawa), Dirichlet series obtained from the error term in the Dirichlet divisor problem, Monatsh Math.160 (2010), no. 4,385-402 

    · [61](with Xiaodong Cao, Yoshio Tanigawa), On a conjecture of Chowla and Walum,Scin.China Math.53 (2010), no.2755-2771

    · [62](with Deyu Zhang) On the fifth-power moment of Δ(x) , Int. J of Number Theory, Vol. 7(2011), 71-86

    · [63](with Deyu Zhang) On the mean value of the index of composition of an integral ideal, Journal of Number  Theory 131 (2011), 618–633.

    · [64](with Ivic Aleksandar) On the Dirichlet divisor problem in short intervals. Ramanujan J. 33 (2014), no. 3, 447–465.

    · [65](with Cao, Xiaodong; Furuya, Jun; Tanigawa, Yoshio) On the differences between two kinds of mean value formulas of number-theoretic error terms. Int. J. Number Theory 10 (2014), no. 5, 1143–1170

    · [66]( withGuangshiLü and Jie Wu) On a Divisor Problem Related to the Epstein Zeta-Function (II),J. Number Theory, 131(9), 1734–1742, 2011

    · [67](withI.Kiuchi and Yoshio Tanigawa), Analytic Properties of Double Zeta-functions, Indag. Math., 21(1-2), 16–29, 2011.

    · [68](withRutingGuo),Some problems about the ternary quadratic formm1^2+ m2^2+ m3^2, ActaArithmetica, 156(2), 101-121, 2012

    · .[69](withXiaodong Cao, Jun Furuya and Yoshio Tanigawa), A generalized divisor problem and the sum of Chowla and Walum, JMAA, Vol. 400(2013), 15-21.

    · [70](withDeyu Zhang andMeimeiLv),On the mean value of the index of composition of an integer II, IJNT, Vol.9(2013), 431-445.

    · [71](withAleksandarIvic),Higher moments of the error term in the divisor problem,Mathematical Notes, 88(3-4), 338-346,2010. 

    · [72](withXiaodong Cao), On the Mean Square of the Error Term for the Asymmetric Two-dimensional Divisor Problem(I),Monatsh. Math.,159(1-2), 185–209, 2010

    · [73]( with Kai-Man Tsang), Sign changes of the error term in Weyl’s law for Heisenberg manifolds, Transaction of AMS., 364(5), 2647-2666, 2012

    · [74](with Deyu Zhang) On the Mean Value of the Index of Composition of an Integral Ideal(II), J. Number Theory, 133, 1086–1110, 2013

    · [75](with Jie Wu)  Distribution of Hecke Eigenvalues of newforms in short intervals, Q.J. Math., 64, 619-644, 2013

    · [76](with Aleksandar Ivic) On the Dirichlet divisor problem in short intervals, Ramanujan J (2014) 33:447–465

    · [77] (with Caoxiaodong) On the four-dimensional divisor problem of (a,b,c,c) type, Functiones et Approximatio 49.2 (2013), 251–267

    · [78] (with X. Cao, J. Furuya, Y. Tanigawa ) A generalized divisor problem and the sum of Chowla and Walum II, Functiones et Approximatio 49.1 (2013), 159–188

    · [79] (with X. Cao, J. Furuya, Y. Tanigawa ) On the differences between two kinds of mean value formulas of number-theoretic error terms, International Journal of Number Theory Vol. 10, No. 5 (2014) 1143–1170

    · [80] Asymptotics for a class of arithmetic functions, Acta Arithmetica, 170(2015), 135-160

    · [81](with A. Ivic)  On some mean value results for the zeta-function and a divisor problem II, Indagationes Mathematicae 26 (2015) 842–866

    · [82](with X. Cao and Y. Tanigawa) Mean square of the error term in the asymmetric multidimensional divisor problem, Functiones et Approximatio 54.2 (2016), 173–193 

    · [83] (with X. Cao and Y. Tanigawa) CONTINUED FRACTION EXPRESSION OF THE MATHIEU SERIES, Mathematical Inequalities& Applications, 19(2016) ,1039–1048


    · [85] (with X. Cao and Y. Tanigawa) On the mean square of an arithmetical error term of the Selberg class in short intervals, International Journal of Number Theory Vol. 12, No. 6 (2016) 1675–1701

    · [86] (with X. Cao and Y. Tanigawa)Tong-type identity and the mean square of the error term for an extended Selberg class, Science China Mathematics, Vol.59(2016),  2103–2144

    · [87](with G. Lu anf J. Wu) Shifted convolution of cusp-forms with θ-series, Ramanujan J (2016) 40:115–133

    · [88] (with R. JIa)A weighted divisor problem, Journal of Number Theory 178 (2017) 60–93

    · [89](with L. Toth) On the error term concerning the number of subgroups of the groups Z m × Z n with m,n x, Acta Arithmetica, 183(2018), 285-299.

    · [90] (with L. Toth) On multivariable averages of divisor functions, JNT, 192(2018),  251-269

    · [91] (with P. Song and D. Zhang) Power moments of Hecke eigenvalues for congruence group, Journal of Number Theory 198 (2019) 139–158

    · [92] On a sum involving the Euler function, Journal of Number Theory 211 (2020) 199–219

    · [93](with A. Ivic) ON CERTAIN INTEGRALS INVOLVING THE DIRICHLET DIVISOR PROBLEM, Functiones et Approximatio 62.2 (2020), 247–267 

    · [94](with L. Toth) On the average number of cyclic subgroups of the groups Z n 1 × Z n 2 × Z n 3 with n 1 ,n 2 ,n 3 x, Res.NumberTheory (2020) 6:12


    · 1.  200111月,京都大学数理研究所:解析数论会议 

    · 2.  200112月, 近畿大学九州工学部 

    · 3.  20025月, 明治学院大学 

    · 4.  20029月, 近畿大学九州工学部 

    · 5.  200210月,京都大学数理研究所:解析数论会议 

    · 6.  20035月, 明治学院大学 

    · 7.  20043月,第3次中日数论会议,西安 

    · 8.  200412月,香港中文大学:ICCM98 

    · 9.  20068月,第4次中日数论会议,威海 

    · 10.  20072月中旬, 名古屋大学多元数理科学研究科 

    · 11.  20084月中旬, 香港大学数学系 

    · 12.  20085月下旬, 中科院晨兴中心,北京 

    · 13.  20088月下旬,第5次中日数论会议:日本大阪 

    · 14.  20089月上旬, 名古屋大学多元数理科学研究科 

    · 15.  20099-12月, 中科院晨兴中心,北京 

    · 16.  20102月中旬, 名古屋大学多元数理科学研究科 

    · 17.  20118月,第6次中日数论会议:上海 

    · 18.  20123月,东京大学 

    · 19.  201210月,第6届全国数论会议:西安 

    · 20.  201211月,第7次中日数论会议:日本福冈 

    · 21.  20138月,香港大学数学系 

    · 22.  20146月,主办解析数论与密码学研讨会,北京 

    · 23.  201410月,中韩数论会议:三亚 

    · 24.  201410月,Workshop on number theory: 西安 

    · 25.  20152月,法国:洛林大学,短期访问。 

    · 26.  20155月, 济南:山东大学,全国第7届数论会议。

    · 27.  201511月,上海:上海交通大学,全国解析数论会议。

    · 28. 2016年6月, 西安:西北大学,数论及其应用研讨会

    · 29. 2016年8月, 西安,西安交通大学数论会议

    · 30. 2016年11月,北京市,组织“2016解析数论与密码学研讨会”

    · 31. 2016年12月,重庆市,第3届川渝数论会议

    · 32. 2017年7月, 西安,解析数论研讨会

    · 33. 2017年9月, 开封:河南大学,数论会议

    · 34. 2017年9月, 杭州:浙江大学, 数论会议

    · 35. 2017年10月,北京,晨兴数学中心讨论班

    · 36. 2017年10月,济南:山东大学,数论会议。

    · 37. 2017年11月,太原:山西大学。

    · 38. 2018年8月,延安,数论会议。

    · 39. 2018年10月,上海大学,数论会议。

    · 40. 2018年10月,澳门科技大学,访问。

    · 41. 2018年10月,芜湖:安徽师范大学,访问。

    · 42. 2018年12月,临沂大学,访问。

    · 43. 2018年12月,成都:四川大学,数论会议。

    · 44. 2019年1月,厦门大学,数论会议。

    · 45. 2019年1月,杭州:浙江大学,访问。

    · 46. 2019年3月,南京师范大学,访问。

    · 47. 2019年4月,重庆:西南大学,访问。

    · 48. 2019年5月,巴彦淖尔:河套学院,数论会议。

    · 49. 2019年6月,宜昌:三峡大学,访问。

    · 50. 2019年6月,烟台大学,访问。

    · 51. 2019年6月,广州:华南师范大学,访问。

    · 52. 2019年7月,深圳:深圳大学,访问。

    · 53. 2019年7月,南昌:南昌大学,访问。

    · 54. 2019年8月,天津大学,数论会议。

    · 55. 2019年8月,哈尔滨工业大学,数论会议。

    · 56. 2019年8月,西藏大学,数论会议。

    · 57. 2019年9月,陕西师范大学,访问。

    · 58. 2019年9月,西北大学,访问。

    · 59. 2019年11月,北京:组织“2019解析数论研讨会”。

    · 60. 2019年12月,重庆: 西南大学,数论会议。

    · 61. 2020年1月,杭州:浙江大学,访问。